中国银行logo设计:中国银行(Bank Of China)中国银行是1912 年1月24日由孙中山总统下令,批准成立。前身是1905 年清政府成立的户部银行,在1908年改称为大清银行。近百年的发展,中国银行已经成为中国国际化程度最高的商业银行。
中国银行logo设计含义:寓义是以“中”字为创意,英文全称Bank Of China。徽标释义:白底红字,行标从总体上看是古钱形状代表银行;“不贯通的“中”字代表中国;外圆表明中国银行是面向全球的国际性大银行。
The Bank of China was approved by President Sun Yat sen on January 24, 1912. Its predecessor was the Hubu Bank established by the Qing government in 1905 and renamed as the Bank of Great Qing in 1908. With nearly 100 years of development, Bank of China has become the most international commercial bank in China.
Logo definition: red letters on a white background, the bank logo generally represents the bank in the shape of ancient coins; The unconnected word Zhong represents China; The outer circle indicates that Bank of China is a large international bank facing the world.